Saturday, July 08, 2006

Announcements and Updates

To those who have landed the clerkships of their dreams, congratulations! To those who are still waiting, hang in there. And to those who know that their judges have already hired, it's not quite over. I have set up a post for those who want to explore other clerkship options.

09/20/2006: It's interview-eve. Best of luck to everyone tomorrow! In all the excitement of the exploding offers please don't forget to post to the blog when you have something to share.

Today's the day! Best of luck to everyone sitting by their telephones. I haven't felt this giddy since I was waiting for the LSAT results to come out. As per a user-request, a catch-all post has been set up to gather information on judges hiring outside or after the plan, and on unconfirmed judges who are accepting applications.

09/12/2006: I added a post containing a master list of links. It looks a little funny because setting up columns inside a post requires programing skills beyond my meager ability. But aesthetics aside, the list seems to be functional. Please leave a comment if any of the links do not work.

09/11/2006: Per-post comment feeds are now up and running. (Click here if you don't know what a site feed is.). Right now, in order to get to the feed URL, you need to click on the title of the individual post to which you want to subscribe (if you have the comments dialogue box you are in the wrong screen, back out and click on the posts title, not the comments buttom). Scroll to the bottom of the comments and copy the url of "Subscribe to Post Comments." I am working on placing these links inside the post (I tried to set up a post template, but it was messing up too much other stuff, so I have to add these links manually).

09/08/2006: I have just switched over to Blogger Beta. Under the old software, users could not create site feeds for the comments on individual posts, which is why I didn't bother with RSS before. But the Beta version supposedly allows you to create feeds for comments. Unfortunately, blogger is having issues with this feature and it is not currently working (it was posted in the known issues section on Friday, 09/08/2006). As soon as blogger figures out a fix I will incorporate this feature.

08/31/2006: It's almost go-time! For 3L's will be sending out their applications this Tuesday and the judges will start calling a week and a half later. In the coming weeks I will be e-mailing fellow bloggers asking them to link to this blog. In the meantime, I encourage all of you to e-mail your fellow students about this blog. For those of you who don't have to collate your applications because your school does it for you, you have no idea how easy you have. For every one else, good luck and try not to stress too much!

Please ignore the time/date stamps on the posts themselves. They are arbitrarily set to keep the posts and archives in a certain order. The time/date stamps on the COMMMENTS, however, are accurate.